The Professional Standards & Training Division is staffed by a full-time lieutenant and sergeant who report to the Office of The Chief of Police. The division is responsible for investigating allegations of misconduct by Tracy Police Department personnel and oversees all training for our sworn and professional personnel.
Department Policy
The Tracy Police Department’s policy manual is a living document subject to constant change. New laws, court decisions, City Council policies, new procedures, and other factors dictate the need for a frequent review of these policies, originating revisions where necessary and appropriate.
It is recognized that no set of policies and procedures, no matter how complete, can hope to address all the situations encountered. When encountering such situations, this policy manual will serve as a guideline and should be employed with sound reason, judgment, and discretion.
The sections included here represent policies that would otherwise be available to the public under a CPRA request (Gov. Code §7923.600 et seq.).
Supporting Documents
View our department policy and other documents relevant documents.
Title | Categories | Link | hf:doc_categories |
Tracy PD AB 481 Annual Report to City Council | Policies and Legal Mandates | policies-and-legal-mandates | |
Tracy PD Compliment or Complaint Form | Policies and Legal Mandates | policies-and-legal-mandates | |
Tracy PD Automated License Plate Reader (ALPR) Policy | Policies and Legal Mandates | policies-and-legal-mandates | |
Tracy PD Complaint Policy | Policies and Legal Mandates | policies-and-legal-mandates | |
Tracy PD Military Equipment Use Policy | Policies and Legal Mandates | policies-and-legal-mandates | |
Tracy PD Training Plan | Policies and Legal Mandates | policies-and-legal-mandates | |
Tracy PD Department Policy | Policies and Legal Mandates | policies-and-legal-mandates |
Divison Commander
Lieutenant Craig Kootstra
Professional Standards & Training
Tracy Police Department
1000 Civic Center Drive
Tracy, CA 95376