Department Policies & Legal Mandates

For transparency purposes, the Tracy Police Department is providing access to our policies as well as other information legally mandated to provide on our website to the public.

Tracy PD AB 481 Annual Report to City Councilpolicies-and-legal-mandates
Tracy PD Compliment or Complaint Formpolicies-and-legal-mandates
Tracy PD Automated License Plate Reader (ALPR) Policypolicies-and-legal-mandates
Tracy PD Complaint Policypolicies-and-legal-mandates
Tracy PD Military Equipment Use Policypolicies-and-legal-mandates
Tracy PD Training Planpolicies-and-legal-mandates
Tracy PD Department Policypolicies-and-legal-mandates

Additional Links or Information

Flock Safety Portal

The Tracy Police Department uses Flock Safety Technology to capture objective evidence without compromising an individual’s privacy.  The department uses the technology to complete retroactive searches to solve crimes after they’ve occurred, and they use real-time alerting of hotlist vehicles to capture wanted criminals.