On Tuesday, August 1st, neighborhoods throughout Tracy are invited to join thousands of communities nationwide for the 40th Annual National Night Out (NNO). National Night Out is an annual crime prevention event and community-building campaign that is sponsored nationally by the National Association of Town Watch (NATW) and co-sponsored locally by the Tracy Police Department. Over 38 million people across the country are expected to participate in National Night Out efforts to strengthen partnerships between neighbors and local law enforcement agencies.
Your neighborhood is invited to participate with other neighborhoods throughout Tracy in celebration of National Night Out by hosting pot-luck dinners, BBQs, ice cream socials, or activities for adults and children, as we join to ‘Say Goodbye to Crime!’
Registration is now open and available online by visiting www.TracyPD.com/National-Night-Out-2023. Registration is free and gives police and other city representatives an opportunity to attend local events as time and circumstances permit. Register now and begin planning your event as soon as possible.
For more information about National Night Out contact the Crime Prevention Specialist Cherise Acosta at Cherise.Acosta@TracyPD.com or at (209) 831-6614.
We look forward to meeting you and your neighbors at your National Night Out event this year!