
Tracy Police Officer Involved in On-Duty Collision

by | Jan 15, 2024 | Department News, News Releases

On Sunday, January 14, 2024, at around 6:04 am, officers from the Tracy Police Department responded to a report of a stolen vehicle spotted in the area of Corral Hollow Road and Grant Line Road.

At approximately 6:11 am, a Tracy Police Officer, driving a marked black and white patrol SUV, was traveling southbound on Corral Hollow Road near the intersection of Byron Road. For unknown reasons, a Toyota sedan, traveling eastbound on Byron Road, failed to stop at the red light and entered the intersection directly in the path of the patrol officer’s SUV. As a result, a collision occurred, causing significant damage to both vehicles. At the time of the collision, the officer was not driving with any emergency lighting equipment or sirens activated and was traveling at the posted speed limit for the roadway.

The female driver of the Toyota sedan had to be extricated from her vehicle by the South San Joaquin County Fire Authority and was transported to a local hospital by AMR with moderate injuries. The Tracy Police Officer was also taken to a local hospital with moderate injuries.

The Tracy Police Department Traffic Safety Unit responded to the scene and took over the investigation.

The investigation is ongoing. If you have any information about this case, please contact Traffic Safety Unit Officer Dave Ventling at David.Ventling@TracyPD.com or call (209) 831-6657.


Media Inquiries

  • Kaylin Heefner is a public information officer at the Tracy Police Department. She can be reached at Kaylin.Heefner@TracyPD.com or (209) 666-5815.