
Tracy PD Seeks Community Assistance in Locating Bank Robber

by | Apr 20, 2023 | News Releases

On Thursday, April 20, 2023, at approximately 1:45 pm, the Tracy Police Department responded to a report of a bank robbery in the 1000 block of Tracy   

Boulevard. Officers assigned to the patrol division immediately responded to the area.   

After ensuring that everyone in the bank was safe, they began investigating. A bank employee reported that a male subject entered the bank and demanded money, indicating they had a gun.  

Witnesses reported that the subject was dressed in all black, with hazel eyes and freckles but could not provide any further information to help officers locate or identify the individual who had fled the area before the officer’s arrival.  

As the investigation is ongoing, the detectives from the General Investigations Unit are looking for assistance from the community to help identify the subject in the photograph. 

If you have any information about this case, contact Detective Brian Cockey at Brian.Cockey@TracyPD.com or (209) 831-6602. 


Media Inquiries

  • Kaylin Heefner is a public information officer at the Tracy Police Department. She can be reached at Kaylin.Heefner@TracyPD.com or (209) 666-5815.