No Trespassing Request Form

No Trespassing (602) Request Form

No Trespassing Request
I am the owner or authorized agent acting in his/her behalf for the property located above in Tracy, CA.
I authorize the following person(s) other than myself to be on the property:

The below person(s) has been given a NO TRESPASS warning and is not allowed on the property

No person or persons other than myself and/or the individual(s) listed above are authorized to be in or on the premises listed at the address above. Any person or persons other than those listed above found on the property, in or on any structures, shall be arrested for trespassing or other crimes as applicable. I give permission to the Tracy Police Department and/or Tracy Code Enforcement officers to enter and search the property and structures as required.
Per Penal Code Section 602(o) I understand that if I no longer request the assistance of the Tracy Police Department regarding this no trespassing, I will advise the Tracy Police Department in writing. I also understand that this request will expire 12 months from the date of request or upon transfer of ownership of the property or upon a change in the person lawful possession of the property.

Additional No Trespassing posting information:

Contact Information

Field Operations Bureau

This unit is part of the Field Operations Bureau.

Tracy Police Department

1000 Civic Center Drive
Tracy, CA 95376


(209) 831-6550

Send a Message

If you have questions or want more information about this unit.